The DiverseMinds at HTH
About DiverseMinds
Hotelschool The Hague aims to be an inclusive educational institution where everyone feels welcome, safe, and represented. To that end, the DiverseMinds initiative was born. Its mission is to establish a diverse and inclusive environment for students, lecturers, and staff, ensuring and facilitating representation and equality. In promoting awareness of the initiative and the overall topic of diversity, we celebrated Diversity Week in October at both campuses with various events and activities.
The Diversitree
The Diversitree offered community members the opportunity to write their wishes or commitments towards creating an inclusive HTH community, generating more than 140 responses across campuses. The messages were hanged on a tree, the Diversitree.
Among the cards, we came across some that we felt deserved recognition and should be shared with our community widely, as the messages are constructive and actionable:
“Have monthly themes and talk about it during meetings focusing on inclusive environment and behavior."
“Practising, using, and promoting inclusive language and respecting and using people’s pronouns.”
“Providing students with the skills they need to become leaders who embrace diversity.”
“Raising our collective awareness of diverse voices to represent all groups, especially those without or with a limited voice.”
Interested in collaborating with us?
Contact us via email at inclusion@hotelschool.nl