At the end of the day, our students reflect the quality of our institution. When they graduate, they take Hotelschool The Hague with them wherever they go. Indeed, we continue to attract top-level students because we are committed to maintaining the high quality of our programmes and facilities.
Hotelschool The Hague is a specialised and independent institution. The selection procedure guarantees a community of talented, ambitious and motivated students. The quality of our institution is assessed by the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO), which independently evaluates quality control in institutes of higher education. The NVAO’s most recent audit gave our bachelor programme 10 ‘good’s and 1 ‘excellent’ and our master’s programme 2 ‘satisfactories, 7 ‘goods’ and 2 ‘excellents’.
In a globally competitive education environment, the importance of institutional self-review, peer review by experts in the field, benchmarking and best practice have never been more important. The International Centre of Excellence in Tourism and Hospitality Education (THE-ICE) is an international accreditation agency and a global network of leading quality tourism, hospitality, events and culinary arts (TH&E) institutions. THE-ICE’s auditors have recommended that HTH receive full accreditation.
A summary of THE-ICE’s commendations:
Excellent facilities, Amsterdam in particular world-class
High-quality student work
Engaging and committed staff
Strong bachelor’s programme combining operational and managerial competencies
Innovative master’s programme encouraging design and creative hospitality leadership
Excellent industry outreach and connectivity, strong alumni engagement
The audit panel of the European Consortium for Accreditation (ECA) describes the Hotelschool The Hague’s bachelor’s programme as having an inherently international character that promotes intercultural learning. The curriculum and staff provide an excellent learning environment. Increasing the number of non-Western students would create an even more global environment.
Hotelschool The Hague is a founding member of Hotel Schools of Distinction (HSD); a global network of leading hospitality management university programmes. These draw on their experience and industry partnerships to identify and evaluate the knowledge, skills, and behaviors the global hospitality demands of its professional workforce.
HSD members validate student learning relative to these outcomes at the end of a student's programme through a rigorous peer review process and are authorised to provide their graduates with the HSD Student Learning Visual Transcript™ in recognition of their accomplishment.
HSD’s reduced membership helps to develop a solid status within its members, in terms of research, accreditation, collaboration, exchange of professors and students, and the share of good practices.