3rd International Hospitality Research Symposium 2022
9 & 10 June 2022, Campus Amsterdam
For the third time, Hotelschool The Hague is organising its International Research Symposium. The purpose of these encounters is to discuss full papers as well as ongoing research at different stages of progress with international colleagues; the PhD. track is open to doctorate students who wish to present and develop papers as part of their PhD. research. It is our intention to create a platform for open and productive feedback, helping junior and senior researchers advance their work towards a publication. For this third edition, the symposium theme will be: Impact.
Impact and sustainability are closely intertwined and are expected to converge further towards 2030. Many universities and businesses have stated their support for the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). But how can we operationalise this support for hospitality knowledge production and impact, and how can we ensure that our work has a positive or even transformative impact on our business and our stakeholders? How can universities evaluate the work of their researchers for its impact, both in the process of and outcome, rather than for quantitative metrics? What drives businesses to the ambition of having a positive social impact, other than expected effects on firm performance? How can we move beyond “stopping with plastic straws” initiatives and drive fundamental circular projects for true impact?
In the field of business and management research, a recent global network initiative emerged to promote so-called responsible research.; The Responsible Research in Business and Management network (RRBM) defines responsible research as aiming to “inform progressive government policies and promote positive business and management practices”. This implies requirements for research to be engaging, accessible and relevant, diverse and interdisciplinary, either fundamental or professional, and of course being methodologically rigorous. Responsible research doesn’t happen in isolation, its flourishing depends on an ecosystem that supports, recognises, and rewards, in a coordinated fashion, the 7 RRBM principles. How can we best contribute to and lead the way for a more responsible research ecosystem in the hospitality discipline? advancing research with sound academic methods, but at the same time a strong focus on industry relevance and dissemination.
Call for Abstracts
We welcome research papers on the social, environmental and the economic impact of hospitality and tourism, on the contributions of researchers to assess or influence that impact, as well as reflections on the impact of hospitality and tourism research itself.
The organising committee is inviting extended abstracts for full papers (research and practitioner), research posters and proposals for panel discussions on the following topics (but not limited to them):
- The (potential) impacts of hospitality businesses on wider society.
- Local impacts on tourism development vs. the dilemmas caused by the global impact of steady tourism growth prior to Covid.
- The pathways for tourism and hospitality businesses to enhance the positive impacts and minimize the negative impacts.
- The role of stakeholders in defining, monitoring and evaluating business progress towards impact.
- Standards and practices for more responsible and impactful research.
- Engaging stakeholders in research; co-creating research knowledge with stakeholders.
- Crossing disciplinary boundaries to have an impact.
- Assessing research impact.
- Impact of hotel industry on local communities in urban and rural environments (social cohesion, ecology, business opportunities)
- Ethical consequences of technological innovations.
- The impacts on businesses and society of food waste reduction.
- The effectiveness of circularity measures.
- The creation of ‘decent jobs’ in hospitality.
- The use and acceptance of long-term views in hospitality.
- Hospitality as a driver of change in other economic sectors.
- Assessing indirect or invisible (e.g. social) impacts, such as workplace bullying or child labour hidden in the food supply chain.
Important dates
- Abstract & proposal submission deadline: 31 March 2022
- Acceptance confirmation: 1 April 2022 at the latest
- Full paper submission: 30 April 2022
Extended abstracts (in English) should be 1000 – 1200 words and should contain:
- Title of the research with information about authors and their affiliations on a separate page
- Brief introduction to the topic (refer to one of the topics listed above)
- Summary description of the theoretical framework and hypotheses (where applicable)
- Research design and approach to data analysis (where applicable)
- Key findings and practical and theoretical implications
We also welcome proposals for panel discussions or symposiums on a particular topic. Proposals for panel discussions should contain:
- Topic of the panel discussion
- Description of the topic (focus, relevance, goals of the panel discussion, target audience (practice / scholarly or combined))
- Panel members/speakers involved with short bio
- Proposals for panel discussions should be 2-3 pages long
Please submit your abstract in Word or pdf format.
Publication opportunities
Selected papers will be invited for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings.
Best Paper Awards
Best Paper Awards will be granted to the regular and PhD student contribution that is:
- High quality
- Innovative
- Fit with conference theme
Visiting Amsterdam
The conference will be hosted by the Hospitality Research Centre at Hotelschool The Hague’s Amsterdam Campus. Amsterdam is one of the top tourist city destinations. Please visit iamsterdam.com.
If you would like to book a hotel room close to the venue, we recommend our own hotel, Skotel. As an alternative, you could also book a room at the Leonardo (rembrandtpark), which is situated right next to our campus.
Conference fee and registration
The conference fee for this two-day event including a conference dinner and lunches.
- Regular ticket - € 350
- PhD students - € 250
- HTH Alumni - € 100
- Practitioners (9 June only) - € 100
For inclusion in the programme and to be considered for the publication options, registration with payment confirmation of the fee is required.
Please contact the Conference management support office:
Mrs. Ludmila Snapkovskaya – Head of Conference Management Support