Ahmet Vatan
Ahmet Vatan is currently a visiting professor at Hotelschool The Hague in The Netherlands. He has been a member at the Faculty of Tourism at the Istanbul Medeniyet University in Turkey since 2016. He completed his undergraduate (2008), master's (2010), and doctorate studies (2015) in tourism management and he received his Associate Professor (2020).
Ahmet’s current research focuses are sustainable tourism and robots in tourism. He authored and co-authored research papers, conference papers and book chapters in the tourism field. He was the editor of three books titled Being Woman in Tourism, Tourism and Art, Tourism and Religion. Ahmet has been an editorial board member of scientific journals. He works as an academic and also writes feature films and scripts for series.
“The basis of my research in recent years is my master's thesis on the use of innovation in hotels. In my subsequent education and academic journey, hospitality technology has always been one of my interests. I have always aimed to improve myself in different subjects by making use of the multi-discipline of the tourism field. Being women in tourism, the relationship between tourism and art, the relationship between tourism and religions, the destination marketing (subject of my Phd thesis) are other areas which I did research. Nowadays I prefer to limit my main research areas to sustainable tourism and robots in tourism."
“The pursuit that enriches my academic journey is being a storyteller. I can clearly observe the contribution of tourism to my storytelling and also the contribution of storytelling to my academic journey. In addition to my novel, which I plan to finish very soon, I am the story editor of the Fatma series, which was broadcasted on Netflix in 2021. Fatma was also adapted for South Africa named Unseen in 2023. I am also the story editor of Asaf series, which will be broadcast on Netflix in the new season. As a storyteller, I am nourished by the cultural geography that I learned through tourism. I believe that this situation provides a multidirectional perspective to my academic journey.”