Hotelschool The Hague joins international student competition to tackle food waste in Indonesia
Did you know that almost one-third of all the world’s food goes to waste? Large quantities of food are either thrown away or lost in harvesting and transportation, making it not only a waste of money but also of valuable resources such as soil and water. In preventing further global food waste, the United Nations aims to reduce it by 50% by the year 2030, as set in the Sustainable Development Goals agreed by the UN.
Especially in Indonesia, food waste is one the country’s main challenges. Indonesia is the fourth largest populous country and the second largest food waster in the world. In order to tackle the problem and encourage further discussion on the matter, the IN2FOOD project has been organised.
Are you ready to become a sustainability hero?
Are you a student who wants to learn more about food waste while being a member of an international team? Participate in the IN2FOOD international student competition on food waste management. This programme will equip you with the knowledge and skills to fight against food waste in an international setting. It is sponsored by the Erasmus + Programme, the European Union, and Marriot International Hotels.
Who should apply?
- Do you see your future in Sustainable/ circular business?
- Are you passionate about food?
- Do you want to make a difference?
- Are you able to connect with people from all walks of life?
- Do you have an international mindset?
- Would you like to go to Jakarta and Bandung, Indonesia the coming August?
You can join fully onsite or hybrid. During the competition, you will have the opportunity to work on a real-world case study provided by Marriott, join coaching sessions from top-ranked university professors from Europe and Indonesia, network with Senior Executives at Marriot, and pitch your case study solution(s) to them.
Note: The competition is open to students of all universities. We look forward to welcoming you in this programme. You can register before 1 June 2023 via the form here.
Find more information about the competition here.
What is IN2FOOD?
The IN2FOOD (INterdisciplinary approach towards fostering collaborative innovation in FOOD waste management) is a capacity-building project. It aims to support Indonesian universities deal with food waste via education and research. IN2FOOD aspires to modernize the curriculum in five Indonesian higher education institutions in dealing with food waste management as a societal challenge.
Who is participating in IN2FOOD?
Participating schools in the IN2FOOD project are Ghent University (Belgium), Tampere University (Finland), Parahyangan Catholic University (Indonesia), Binus University (Indonesia), Prasetiya Mulya University (Indonesia), Ma Chung University (Indonesia), Pembangunan Jaya University (Indonesia), and Hotelschool The Hague (The Netherlands).