Dialogue and publication on Circular Economy
In 2020 -we hosted a dialogue with hoteliers and other stakeholders such as suppliers and producers during one of the Breakfast Sessions at the Horecava in Amsterdam. And we presented our publication on circular measures.
Front runners group
Dr Arjan van Rheede is part of this group of front running hotels in Amsterdam on circularity. This group started in November 2017. It is a diverse group of hotels, but all of them have the drive to take new steps: it is time for change! Resources are about to get exhausted, so we need to step out of the linear economy of ‘take make waste’. Hotels as users of lots of products and service can boost this transition. Especially in Amsterdam, with more than 500 hotels. That’s why hoteliers shared their knowledge and experiences on how to move towards the circular economy. The motto of : ‘sharing = multiplying! (Dutch title: Delen is vermenigvuldigen!)
A lot of actors are involved in making this transition. In a hotel setting these include e.g. producers, suppliers, guests and waste management companies. Circular solutions are only possible with cooperation between all these participants within this network.
That is huge challenge! Where is the correct product information to make good circular decisions? Howe to get those insights? And will innovation get a fair chance?
Measures that the 22 hotels of the frontrunners group have taken are shared in the publication, written by Arjan van Rheede and Wijnand Broer (CREM): Tijd voor verandering. (PDF, 5,3 MB) (in Dutch)
During the Breakfast session on the Horecava the following points are debated:
• What are sustainable/circular choices when looking at single use (plastic) items;
• How to close the loop on some obvious loops as coffee ground and orange peels. Not only technical, but also logistical and financial?
• The ‘How’ and ‘What’ towards new business models?