Jan Huizing
Jan Huizing (MSc/drs. Business Administration, University of Groningen) is a research fellow in City Hospitality and lecturer in Strategy. He is involved in the strategy development of Hotelschool The Hague, in the areas of real-life learning, impactful education and responsible research.
Jan has extensive work experience in senior marketing and management
positions at leading, international service providers; in complex and dynamic business
environments he co-creates with stakeholders to drive change and value
creation; he aims for practical solutions with impact and strategic purpose.
His research interest is sustainable, welcoming cities and communities. How can hospitality and tourism positively contribute to social cohesive communities and place making; how can hotels take a pivotal role in and with the local community, how to effectively involve residents, how can encounters between visitors and residents be meaningful and have positive community impact.
Next to academic contributions such as Routledge Handbook of Tourism Experience Management and Marketing, Jan is keynote speaker and 'hospitality maker' in collaborative projects with industry professionals, such as the European City Destination Alliance (annual conference sustainable, welcoming cities) and Kennisnetwerk DestinatieNL, the network of Dutch DMOs, with deliverables such as a toolkit from creating welcoming cities.
With NBTC and network partners Jan participates in the Bewonersprofijt project, which defines resident value (know it) and will have practical tests or cases (test it). The knowledge should help DMOs – and urban tourism in general - to effectively create value with and for residents.