Arjan van Rheede
Arjan van Rheede is a Senior Research Fellow, Senior Lecturer and Project Leader SDG OFFICE at Hotelschool The Hague.
He gained his PhD from the Faculty of Management & Organization at Groningen University with research on the appropriation of innovations in the work system. At The Nijmegen School of Management at Radboud University he conducted research on strategies on the environmental movement and their effectiveness. He did his M.Sc. at Radboud University at the Nijmegen School of Management on Environmental Policy. Since 2004 he works at Hotelschool The Hague.
Currently, he works on the transition towards a circular economy. Researching strategy implementation (practice) based on insights from organizational development and change to help organizations to implement sustainable practices more successful. He is also exploring how the sustainability debate changes the host–guest relationship. (2010- present)
He started at the research centre of Hotelschool The Hague on the labour market and HRM-related issues in the hospitality industry. Together with Rob Blomme and Debby Tromp, he explored the use of the psychological contract to explain turnover intentions in the hospitality industry (2005-2010).
Previously, he worked as a researcher at IOWO, an independent educational consultancy affiliated with Radboud University on strategies used in environmental education. (1997-1998)